BRONX, NY- Taking risks in life is a part of being human. Some are held back by fear, while others depend on that “fight or flight” instinct to decide whether the risk is worth it. Fear is what held me back from enjoying the snow. When I was eight years old, I spent too much time playing in a blizzard. By the time I came back inside, my feet had severe freezer burn and I caught a horrible case of pneumonia that lasted for a week. Since then, whenever I tried to play or even take a nice walk in the snow, I somehow became sick.
Today, I decided to take a risk and walk in the snow. It may not seem like a big deal to most of you, but for me it was a big step to be a part of something beautiful nature has to offer. I got tired of watching the snow fall from a window, or rush back indoors if I happen to get caught in a small system. I layered up on clothes, laced up my snow boots and legwarmers, zipped up my coat, and off I went.
The first thing that came to my mind was “please Lord, don’t let me regret this choice. Don’t let me get sick.” Snowflakes poked my face and attached themselves to my curls as I made my way to the park across the street. The temperature was not as cold as I thought it would be. When I got to the park, my perspective changed. The snow looked beautiful! I took some photos while I walked around.

Step by step I took in all the white scenery. A big grin spread across my face as I walked around the park. My inner child was ecstatic as I scooped up some of the snow and patted it away. A huge weighted lifted off my shoulders. I was enjoying a little blessing from nature.
Half an hour later I returned home. My curls were wet, and I was covered head to toe with frost. After kicking my boots off on a rug, hanging up my coat, and drying my curls on a towel, I made myself a cup of green tea. My inner child is thanking me for taking the risk and living life.
Photos: Rosa Elena Burgos
Last Updated: December 29, 2021